Guide for Ceramic Tile Cutter Well

Post On: 16 November 2014
In: Ceramic
November 8, 2014
Guide for Ceramic Tile Cutter Well

Ceramic tile cutter is used for cutting the tiles well without breaking the tiles and leave the undesired cracked edges of uneven corners. Ceramic tile cutters come with some types or kinds which you can find, from the contractors tile cutter and another one is electric tile cutter which both are useful for helping you cut the ceramic tiles and get the clean and neat look that you desire because with those two tools, you can cut the tiles with the desired sizes. Then, here are three easy steps for using this tool.

Ceramic tile cutter is used with the first step of marking the tiles with the markers in the spots where you want to cut the tiles. You need to mark the tiles with the desired sizes that you want and place the tiles against the fences of the cutter with the glazed side facing upward. Then, line up the cut mark with the raised center line of the base and adjust the try square to keep the tile alignment for cutting. You will find that many cutters, the try square is held in spot by thumbscrews or wing nuts.

Second step, a ceramic tile cutter is used by lightly oil the scriber’s cutting wheel then set the cutting wheel of the scriber on the tile edge that is closest to you. Then, you can push away the scriber from you down the rails, then putting mild downward pressure on the scriber handle as you are pushing it. Then, use ceramic tile cutter by making one firm push to score the tile’s surface, and remember do not pull the scriber back toward you.

Third step, you can cut the tiles using ceramic tile cutter by positioning the breaker bar at the far end of the tile. Usually, when you can complete the scoring stroke, the breaker which is one the back of the scriber, it will automatically be in the correct position. After that, you can press down the scribble handle firmly to snap down the tile in the half along the scored line.

Ceramic tile cutter is used for cutting the tiles and gets the perfect desired sizes, and then it is better if you practice a lot when you are going to cut the ceramic tiles. The practices are really helpful for helping you know how to measure the sizes well, and then help you for carefully positioning the tiles and other details which improve your techniques.

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